Guide to cheap astrophotography

Summary and conclusion

It's important to note that this conclusion will change over time. It is a current conclusion based on 'starting out' in imaging. And as such may be of use to those also starting out.

Prime focus webcam

This is an exciting new and importantly, cheap way to get into astronomical imaging. The equipment is cheap although it does require computer. This is great for imaging the moon, and the planets. Anything fainter will require modification of the webcam to allow for long exposures. In standard form the webcam is just not sensitive enough. If you want to combine your lunar and planetary viewing with your computer and want for images then this is an excellent route. The webcam replaces the eyepiece so you will find yourself either viewing, OR imaging(and viewing on screen). And as the process is based on a video sequence some of the photography skills are lost, replaced by computer processing skills in the nice warm afterwards.

Prime focus dSLR

Although some processing is often used afterwards there is a lot of camera skills used for this method. The scope is effectively used as a lens for the camera, if you have an interest in photography and photographic methods there is a lot to be gained from this method including extremely high quality images for those with skill and patience. The lack of glass between the high resolution sensor and the object makes fainter deep sky objects slightly easier. This method often ends up quite expensive as the hunt for deeper sky, harder to image objects grabs you. Tracking, camera mods, filters, larger aperture are just some of the things to spend your lack of money on. If you just want pics of what you have seen to show your mates this may be a bit too involved.

Widefield imaging

This is one step up from normal photography. Ranging from pointing up to gather pictures of the sky through to extremely detailed long exposure shots that really help show celestial objects in context. This is a very good way to start out and, if it takes you, a very worthwhile method to continue on with too !

Afocal images

Although obtaining images of deep sky objects of similar quality to prime focus methods is much harder this way, this has the benefit of using an eyepiece and any camera. For the visual astronomer who wants the ability to grab images, this is well worth considering. For the method using a clamp to hold the camera up to the eyepiece it's worth considering getting an identical eyepiece to the one you view with so swapping over to the one with the camera attached is very simple and quick. Some extremely good results can be obtained using this method, it is certainly not only just for 'grab a quick pic' style images.

For astrologers wishing to gaze at the heavens, and learn what the signs of the zodiac can do to help us in our every day lives (present and future) I suggest you look elsewhere. Perhaps some fiction based musings or look for some helpful soul wishing to sell you a book or a reading, I am sure they would be happy to help.