Guide to cheap astrophotography

DSLR with telephoto lens

These pictures were taken using a telephoto lens attached directly to the dSLR. An IR remote was used to trigger the shutter although I think a timer delay would work just as well.

This shot is taken with the 550d pointing directly at the moon from a tripod using a budget 90-300mm telephoto lens. Set to 300mm (fully zoomed in)

I took 8 shots similar to above and stacked them using DSS. This was the result.

This setup works well for the moon, which is an extremely bright object, particularly the full moon. Focusing was a little tough because touching the lens would make it shake making it hard to see if it was in focus. I intend to use this setup on planets and DSO's which I expect will be far harder due to the lack of brightness. It will require far longer exposures and the objects will be far smaller in on the cameras sensor.

Here is an unimpressive shot of Pleiades. Not impressive as a photo but its nice to see just what is making up that funny smudge you can often see with the naked eye. I definitely plan to return to this (with dslr and lens) with my at some point. Try to get the stars round and the colours correct :)