Guide to cheap astrophotography

Prime focus webcam

These were taken using my philips spc900nc webcam and a 1.25 adapter so I could fit it directly in place of the eyepiece. Actually until I got the adapter it was done by celotaping the webcam up to the focus tube ! The webcam has not been modified in any way other than removing the lens and attaching the adapter.

The images were captured as a movie (avi). Then stacked, at the time I was using K3CCD. The webcam method is best for bright objects like the moon or planets. This was done with my old scope, a poor quality tasco 114mm reflector on a broken mount.

By stacking and creating a mosaic of these videos I generated these images. Remember, these images were all generated using a £35 webcam !  The capturing of the video and the stacking of the images does take a bit of work. Its not particularly difficult and can be done entirely using free tools but it adds an extra level to the astrophotography hobby, that of image/video manipulation.